How to enable the blog moderator Print

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  1. First, an admin will need to log in to the back end of your site by going to (yourdomain).com/admin

  2. In the admin panel to the left, click on “Blog” then “Settings”.

  3. Click on the top right tab labeled “Moderation”.

  4. Place a check in the top box labeled “Moderate Agents posts”.

  5. In the box labeled “Moderation Accounts”, you can add one or more admin(s), whom you wish to get notifications about new posts, in the moderation queue. (If this box is left empty, but the moderator is enabled, all moderation emails will be sent to the primary email address for the website.)

  6. Click save!  It's as simple as that.

    When there is a post ready for review, you will go to "Blog" then "Posts", and you'll see that the posts in the moderation queue have a red tag stating "Under Review".

    *For more information and instructions for using the "Blog Moderator", please see the article "How the Blog Moderator Works"

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