You can manage your account information as well as add new sub-accounts if you wish. Let's say you have an office manager you need to handle the invoices, You can create a sub account for them from the following area.
1. Login to 2. Top right of your screen, you will see Hello, (your Name). 3. Click the down arrow to the right of your name and select "Contacts-Subaccounts". 4. From this screen, you can edit, add and remove sub-accounts. 5. Also, note that you can select what this account is notified on. For example, you can have this person only get notified on invoice emails.
6. If you wish for the contact to be able to log in, you can select the following box. "Activate Sub-Account" notice the extra options that you can choose from.
Set Billing Account Some clients have their credit card information different from their office information. Because credit card companies require the address to match, you will need to associate a sub account with the proper address for your credit card. To do this is very easy. 1. Create a sub-account with the proper information for your credit card, Name, address, zip, phone etc. 2. Now back to the top right of the screen, Click on your name and from the drop down box select "Edit Account Details"
3. Now scroll down until you see "Default Billing Contact" and select the account with your cc billing address on it.