Privacy Policy Print

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Privacy Policy

Lately, many social media sites are requiring you to have a privacy policy in order to link with them and use their services. There are a number of ways you can get a privacy policy for your website. I am going to provide you with one simple solution that has a free and paid version.
Please do note that if you use the free versions, you will need to add a California section and request a data removal section.
Link to the generator:

You may at any time review or change the information in your account or terminate your account by:
• Logging into your account settings and updating your account
• Contacting us using the contact information provided below
Upon your request to terminate your account, we will deactivate or delete your account and information from our active databases. However, some information may be retained in our files to prevent fraud, troubleshoot problems, assist with investigations, and/or comply with legal requirements.
If you no longer wish to receive correspondence, emails, or other communications from us, you may opt-out by:
• Noting your preferences at the time you register your account with the site
• Logging into your account settings and updating your preferences
• Selecting the unsubscribe option on the email wishing to opt-out
• Contacting us using the contact information provided below
If you no longer wish to receive correspondence, emails, or other communications from third parties, you are responsible for contacting the third party directly.

This notice to California residents is provided under California law, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), Cal. Civ. Code 1798.100, et seq. This notice supplements our Privacy Policy by explaining your privacy rights if you are a California resident, providing our “notice at collection,” and providing certain mandated disclosures about our treatment of California residents’ information, both online and offline. Please see above for those sections.

You can then add a link from your footer to the new privacy policy page you created. Note if you would like us to do this. Please <a href="/contact.html" title="Contact me">contact me here</a>&nbsp;and include the generated policy doc or text file and we can install it for you. We will of course provide you with the cost before doing so.

Note: If you have not done so already. Please make sure to look over our ADA section as well. There are letters going out about this and some of them are very real.


Please note that we are not attorneys and the letter above is just a suggestion. We would encourage you to have
your attorney to look over this if you have any concerns as Dynamicidx, LLC is not liable for any content on your sites.

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